120 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of a linear motor for multi-car elevators

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    The multi-car elevator system is a revolutionary new technology for high-rise buildings, promising outstanding economic benefits, but also requiring new technology for propulsion, safety and control. In this paper we report on experimental results with new components for linear motor driven multi-car elevators. We show that linear synchronous motors with optimized design and with our new safety and control system can be considered as core components of a new generation of elevator systems. The main new results concern the development of a safety system integrated into the propulsion system, the design methodology of a linear motor optimized for the multi-car elevator task, and the motion control system that is expected to be usable for extra high-rise buildings

    The shielding effect of HTS power cable based on E-J power law

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    A method for analysing the current distribution in high-T/sub c/ superconducting (HTS) power cable is examined by the aid of the novel use of anisotropic conductivity and 3-D finite element method considering E-J power law characteristic. The detailed current distribution in the cable is illustrated and the shielding effect of HTS shield layer with intervals is also examined. It is shown that AC losses in shield layer with intervals are increased when the interval between wires becomes large

    Improvement of zone control induction heating equipment for high-speed processing of semiconductor

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    In this paper, the effect of dividing into several small coil groups having different current and frequency on heating characteristics is investigated using FEM (finite element method). The heating characteristics of graphite of each coil is examined, and a useful information for controlling current and frequency, which realize the nearly uniform heating, is obtained.</p

    Improvement of zone control induction heating equipment for high-speed processing of semiconductor devices

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    In order to process a semiconductor device of high quality, uniform heating is necessary, but it is not easy to heat uniformly with conventional induction heating equipment. To solve this problem, zone control induction heating equipment has been jointly developed. In this paper, we examine the effect of dividing an induction heater into several small coil groups having different current and frequency, using the finite-element method. We describe the heating characteristics of the zone control coil groups and show that nearly uniform heating is possible by controlling both current and frequency.</p

    Investigation of AC loss of permanent magnet of SPM motor considering hysteresis and eddy-current losses

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    NdFeB sintered magnets are widely used in rotating electrical machines. In order to develop an efficient rotating machine, it is important to estimate ac loss of the permanent magnet of rotor precisely. In this paper, the ac losses of the permanent magnet of IEEJ model (surface permanent-magnet motor model) are examined by using the three-dimensional finite-element method taking into account the newly measured hysteresis losses of permanent magnet. The result shows that we should consider not only the eddy-current loss but also the hysteresis loss, when the frequency of ac field due to a slot ripple is of the order of several hundred hertz.</p

    3-D finite element analysis of current distribution in HTS power cable taking account of E-J power law characteristic

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    A method for analyzing the current distribution in high-T/sub c/ superconducting (HTS) power cable is examined by the aid of the novel use of anisotropic conductivity and three-dimensional finite element method in consideration of the E-J power law characteristic. The detailed current distribution in the cable is illustrated and the shielding effect of HTS shield is also examined.</p

    Tip-sample distance control using photothermal actuation of a small cantilever for high-speed atomic force microscopy

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    金沢大学 理工研究域 数物科学系We have applied photothermal bending of a cantilever induced by an intensity-modulated infrared laser to control the tip-surface distance in atomic force microscopy. The slow response of the photothermal expansion effect is eliminated by inverse transfer function compensation. By regulating the laser power and regulating the cantilever deflection, the tip-sample distance is controlled; this enables much faster imaging than that in the conventional piezoactuator-based z scanners because of the considerably higher resonant frequency of small cantilevers. Using this control together with other devices optimized for high-speed scanning, video-rate imaging of protein molecules in liquids is achieved. © 2007 American Institute of Physics

    細菌の培養実験を取り入れた保健の授業実践 : 感染症と人間 <第2部 教科研究>

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    感染症の原因となる病原体の多くは, 目に見えず存在が実感できないものである。しかし,それらは人間とともに生物界の一員として生態系の中で共存しているという視点を持つことで,耐性菌の間題や新興感染症• 再興感染症の間題の根本がより理解できると考える。そうした共存関係を理解させるために,私たちの周りに存在する細菌を採集して培養する実験をおこなって,その結果から「感染症と人間の関係」についてお互いに意見を出し合いながら考えを深めていく授業を構成し実施した。生徒は,積極的に実験に取り組み,「感染症と人間の関係」について考えを深め,「細菌との共生」「免疫力の向上」「生活習慣の重要性」といったキーワードをつかってそれぞれの考えを述べており,感染症を防ぐための行動選択や意思決定につながる授業であったと考える

    体のしくみと薬について考える保健の授業 : 探究活動を通して <第2部 教科研究>

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    薬と正しく付き合うための思考力や実践力を育成するとともに,運動や食事などの生活習慣と健康に関する知識や理解を深めることを目指し保健の授業を実践した。その際,学習する知識や理解の内容や単元のつながりを整理し,「体のしくみ」に重点をおいた学習計画を作成した。また,思考力を高め実生活に生きる実践力を育むために,探究活動として4つの実験を取り入れ, 「体のしくみ」と「薬」について考察する時間を設けた。 その結果,各自がこれまでの生活を振り返り,改善点をみつけ,今後の薬との関わり方や生活の在り方について考える事ができるようになった。特に,探究活動は,学習した知識や理解を深めるだけでなく,多面的・複眼的な視点で考察することができ,思考力を高め実践力を育むのに大変効果的であることを確認できた

    骨盤から姿勢を考える授業 : 首はね跳びへのアプローチ <第2部 教科研究>

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    体育授業における生徒の動きを観察すると,骨盤が後傾したまま動かすことができなかったり,肩甲骨周りも固まってきていたりするような状況が多々見受けられる。そこで,まず,骨盤の活性化を中心にした体つくりを取り入れて, 日頃の姿勢の見直しを図り,身体の使い方を考えさせることから始めた。これらの学習を基盤とし,その後の跳び箱運動(首はね跳び)にチャレンジする過程においても,準備運動などで骨盤から脊柱に連動する動きづくりから身体のしなやかさの向上を図り,自身の身体とじっくりと向き合い,その変化を感じながら取り組めるようにした。また,お互いの関わり合いを感じながら活動できるように,仲間同士の補助やアドバイス場面を多く設定した。このような場面設定や段階的な指導を丁寧に仕組み,「もう少しでできる」と思えるような体験を繰り返し味わわせることを大切にしながら技の習得に取り組ませ,中学1年生女子生徒にとっては難易度が高いと思われる「首はね跳び」に,みんなが安心してチャレンジできるような授業展開を工夫した。その結果,生徒は日常における自己の姿勢の状態について意識を高め,その改善を図りながら,授業中の運動場面へのつながりも考えるようになり,難易度の高い技に仲間とともに積極的にチャレンジすることができた